In autumn, work began on restoring the Rosa Coeli monastery Dolní Kounice, as well as opening the southern part of...
The City of Brno has allocated CZK 6 million for the expansion of so-called green tracks. Thanks to this subsidy,...
The High Court of Appeals in Olomouc has annulled the verdict in the Stoka (‘Gutter’) corruption investigation into corruption in...
Teplárny Brno, the municipal heating and power company, has announced a reduction in the price of heat energy supplied to...
After a successful winter last year, the park on Moravské náměstí is once again hosting a public ice rink, with...
Brno non-profit organisation the Veronica Foundation has formed a partnership with the Masaryk Forestry School Company in Křtiny (ŠLP Křtiny)...
This year, Brno Christmas will offer more than just markets in the squares; it will also feature a rich array...
This year, Brno’s Christmas Šalina will be decorated not only from the outside, but also inside with a tree, decorations,...
The Brno Architect’s Office, in cooperation with the city’s Department of Transport, has drawn up new guidelines for the storage...
Forty-three percent of Czechs believe that the current situation in the country is better than before the 1989 fall of...
The park on Moravské náměstí has collected another award for its design, being honoured in this year’s 9th edition of...
The Week of Freedom programme on Narodni in the centre of Prague, accompanying the celebrations on 17 November marking the...