Following a popular stint in the park outside the Brno Observatory earlier this summer, the Terralona – a 10-metre diameter...
The romantic Christmas comedy “Wishes to Santa”, filmed in the city center of Brno, is coming to cinemas from November...
The Serial Killer Festival will be hosted at the Goose on a String Theatre from today until Sunday 27th. Gripping...
“Daughter”, the acclaimed student film by Daria Kashcheeva of FAMU, has been nominated in the Best Animated Short Film category....
“Morbidní Mikuláš” (“Ghoulish Saint Nicholas”) is coming to Brno on December 5th for a special projection, with two films to...
Fiction, animation, experimental, student, professional and amateur film: all this and more at the oldest film festival in the Czech...
The second season of the popular TV show “The Witcher” will be shot in Czech Republic and Slovakia, according to...
The ninth year of the festival brings a selection of the best of contemporary Iranian film to Kino Art and...
During the festival, many visitors attended various screenings, exhibitions, discussions and interesting workshops. Photo: Kino Art / Brno16. Brno, Oct...
After its success in Venice, the Czech movie The Painted Bird [“Nabarvené ptáče”], just selected by the Czech Film and...
Daughter, a Czech short film by Daria Kashcheeva, won the Student Academy Award for best animated film from an international...
This month, Dutch reality show “Wie is de Mol?” broadcast the first few episodes filmed in the Czech Republic last...