On Saturday, 16 March, Brno Daily joined the participants of this year’s Brno Korrika in Lužánky Park, held in solidarity with speakers of the Basque language (‘Euskera’) and their struggle for language rights.
The organisers, easily spotted wearing staff vests, waited for everyone to arrive before giving a starting speech. They provided the runners with notes that read “Tipi tapa tipi tapa… Korrika” and “Brno ere euskeraren alde” (Brno is also for Euskera), to chant along as they ran.

Before 4:15 pm a column of about 40 people set off in an welcoming cheerful atmosphere of pride and communion. Local Czechs, Basques, Spanish and other foreigners of all ages toured some of the interior paths of the Czech Republic’s oldest public park on a lovely sunny afternoon, just after a brief shower had threatened to complicate the day. As some of the runners took off layers of clothing, it would be tempting to announce that the winter is slowly dying away on the eve of a promising spring.
The participants at the head of the line held a banner, as well as the estafeta that is carried throughout the whole Basque country. At the end of the one-kilometre race, a Basque runner, Denis, happily said that “it felt like home”, and added that these sort of events make him feel excited and proud. He seemed delighted to be able to share a bit of his culture.

Although the organisers had planned the afterparty with a reservation inside Ponava, the favourable weather allowed it to spread to the terrace, where even late-comers could recover with a beer in a family-friendly environment revolving around the Basque Language.
Naiara Olaran, coordinator of Korrika Brno, said she was pleased with the outcome of the awareness event, and thanked everyone for joining in.