Two major repair projects will cause traffic disruption in Brno over the next few months, with the Merhautova bridge already closed to car traffic, and parts of Nádražní closing on Monday, also affecting pedestrian traffic.
From 14 February to 30 June, the bridge on Merhautová over the railway line to Lesná will be completely closed, specifically in the section from Hořejší–Studená. Detour routes lead along Provazníkova/Porgesova and Generála Píky avenue in the direction of Soběšice, Útěchov and Vranov. In the direction of Merhautova and Provazníkova, drivers should use Okružní, Generála Píky and Porgesova. At the same time, Míčkova will be rerouted in the Buchtova–Lozíbky section, Slezákova will be one-way in the Míčkova–Kohoutova section, and left turns from Třískalova to Okružní will be prohibited.

Meanwhile Nádražní road will be closed in the Benešova–Husova section (under Bašty Street) in the direction of Benešova, from next Monday, 19 February, until 31 May, due to pavement repairs. The work will also affect pedestrians, as part of the sidewalk in the section between Masaryková and Husová will remain closed. This closure will proceed according to the development of the construction. The part of the sidewalk that will be closed when the work begins is shown on the map below. Some crossings at Nádražní will also remain closed. In the next stages, the restrictions may change, and those using the area should follow the traffic signs.
Detour routes will be marked for pedestrians, also marked on the map below.

Drivers can also expect changes on Olomoucká and Ostravská from 19 February to 20 June. Olomoucká will be closed in the section from the roundabout near Kaufland to the bridge over the railway line (with the exception of vehicles with construction permits and public transport). The water supply is being repaired.
Traffic on Ostravská in the area of the Bělohorská bridge will be limited to two lanes in the direction of the centre and one lane in the direction of Vyškov. Furthermore, the ramp in the direction from Ostravská to Bělohorská will be closed. The reason for the restriction is bridge repair. Suggested detour routes will be Těžební → Průmyslová → Švédské Valy → Řípská (for vehicles up to 3.9 m) or via Ostravská (direction exit to Hviezdoslavova) for vehicles over 3.9 m.