The atmosphere in Brno walk-in vaccination center in the Olympia shopping mall has been tense in recent days. Medics of St. Anne University Hospital (FNUSA) have reported facing aggressive verbal attacks. FNUSA is worried that the verbal attacks may escalate into physical violence. Photo: KK / Brno Daily.
Brno, Nov 16 (BD) – “In relation to the vaccination center for the unregistered at Olympia shopping mall, we are dealing with more and more indiscriminate verbal attacks on our paramedics,” said Dana Lipovská, a spokeswoman for the St. Anne’s Hospital as reported by Brno media outlet Brnenska drbna. “The staff don’t have the means or the time to defend themselves; it is clear that for some individuals, a verbal attack could turn into a physical one.”
Last weekend, the vaccination centre administered 1,064 doses of the Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.