Extensive reconstruction and modernization work began yesterday at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Brno University of Technology (BUT). Over the next three years, the university will gradually modernize the interiors of most buildings on the campus. Visualisation Credit: Ateliér Velehradský via VUT Brno.
Brno, Sep 14 (BD) – Extensive reconstruction and modernization work began today at BUT’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The CZK 500 million project will be funded by a subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, from a fund set aside for improving university facilities.
Over the next three years, the university will gradually modernize the interiors of most buildings on its campus. The work will take place while the campus is in operation, and is divided into several stages. The first renovated premises should be open to students and teachers next autumn.
Although the exteriors of the faculty’s buildings have been renovated, many of the interiors are frozen in the 1980s, when the complex was built, raising the need for the extensive reconstruction that began yesterday.

“Finally, we are bringing the space up to the standard of the current millennium,” said Petr Tesař, Secretary of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. “Wiring will be replaced, and repairs will take place in classrooms, offices, teaching laboratories and corridors. Above all, the renovation will create a dignified environment for students, which has been lacking at the faculty so far. There will be kitchens on each floor in the space by the two main staircases, space for self-study and rest between lectures.”
The students themselves were involved in plans for the project, to ensure that the results would suit their needs. “I am grateful to have been invited as a student representative to meetings with the architects,” said Petra Kosová, President of the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate of the faculty. “We were able to explain what is lacking for students at the faculty, and we always found a solution for how to incorporate the matter into the reconstructed premises of the faculty. At present, the faculty mainly lacks a larger number of study rooms, places for team projects and facilities for time between lectures. The reconstruction will bring us all of this, and I can’t wait for the students to be able to start using the new facilities.”