Czech Television is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the first broadcast from its Brno studio. Photographs from popular films and series have been displayed in a photo exhibition and commemorative flags decorate trams throughout the city. Photo Credit: NS / BD.
Brno, June 20 (BD) – This year, Czech Television (ČT) is commemorating 60 years since broadcasting began from its Brno television studio on July 6th, 1961. To celebrate this anniversary, a photo exhibition was installed on náměstí Svobody on Monday, June 14th, with photographs from popular films or series from the studio’s history, and commemorative flags decorate trams throughout the city. The exhibition will later be on display at Moravské náměstí and Malinovského náměstí.

The Brno studio was initially housed in the Typos Palace in the center of Brno. After 55 years, ČT built a new complex in Brno-Líšeň, where the hours of broadcasting in the newsrooms provide a significant contribution to regional and national programs. At the opening ceremony, those who have worked for Czech Television for more than three decades received commemorative certificates from director Jan Souček.

The last weekend of June will be entirely dedicated to ČT’s 60th anniversary celebrations. It will start on Friday, June 25th, with a Good Morning special on ČT2. On Saturday early evening, ČT1 presenters Eva Machourková and Aleš Zbořil will test the knowledge of Brno television history with four competitors: Zuzana Slavíková, Pavel Zedníček, Michal Isteník and Josef Polášek. On the same day, the Brno studio will broadcast the premiere of Manege by Bolek Polívka at 8pm, and ČT Art will show the competition for the best dancer of the verbuňk, a Slovakian folklore dance, being held at Strážnice.
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