The civic society movement Million Chvilek pro demokracii (“A Million Moments for Democracy”) will get new leadership. The movement has organized several major anti-government demonstrations, including a gathering in Prague’s Letna Park in 2019 with over 250,000 attendees that was widely reported in foreign media, but the current chairman and loudest voice of the movement, Mikulas Minar, has announced plans to enter politics, saying he sees “no other hope that something will change.” Photo: Mikulas Minar via Facebook.
Czech Rep., Sep 29 (BD) – Mikulas Minar is considering entering politics. “He had not made a final decision, but as his deliberations became more serious, he resigned from exercising the powers of the president of the movement. He is now formally resigning from this post,” wrote Million Chvilek. Members of the movement subsequently elected Benjamin Roll as the new chairman.
“My process of personal inner growth is almost over. After all those gatherings at Old Town, Wenceslas, Letna, and other countless squares, villages and pubs of this country, I have come to what I had been avoiding for so long. It’s time for me to put skin in the game and try to change things for the better,” Minar wrote on social media on Sunday.