Signs bearing symbol pictures of a scooter have started appearing in paid parking areas, indicating that scooters and bicycles may be parked there. This idea from Brno City Council is unique in the Czech Republic, and will be extended to all areas of paid parking by the end of the year. Photo credit: KK / Brno Daily.
Brno, Aug 25 (BD) – Parking signs with pictures of scooters have begun appearing around Brno, indicating spaces where scooters and bicycles may be legally parked.

According to Petr Kratochvíl (ODS), Council Member for Transport, most cities use the wheel symbol for signs of this kind: “But few people know that a bicycle is the same as a scooter in the eyes of the law, so the same rules apply, and stands should be used for both bicycles and scooters. That’s why I am glad that the Department of Transport came up with the idea of placing a scooter symbol on the signs, to make it clear what types of transport can be parked in which spaces.” The signage has already been approved by Czech Police and Brno Roads. The first spaces to be marked in this way are located in area 1-01 and in areas 1-06 (Špitálka), 1-07 (Trnitá), 2-01 (Zborovská), which are being introduced from October 5th this year.
In areas where signs were placed before this change was approved, the additional tables are marked only with a picture of a motorcycle, but these will also be replaced by the end of the year. In total, 170 spaces will be marked with the scooter pictogram. The city is thus responding to the increasing popularity of shared scooters. “We hope that people will park their bikes and scooters on the marked stands that are designated for this purpose, or on bicycle stands. I believe that this will reduce the number of scooters left on sidewalks, where they obstruct pedestrians,” added Kratochvíl .
Marking parking spaces with a scooter pictogram is an original idea from Brno City Hall, as has not yet been adopted by other cities in the Czech Republic.