From June 15, facemasks no longer need to be worn outside, even when people are close to each other. The sale of snacks and samples at farmers markets and buffets in restaurants will also be allowed. From June 15, mass events of up to 2,500 people can be held under certain conditions, up from the current permitted limit of 500. According to the Ministry of Health, the favorable epidemiological situation has contributed to the further relaxation of preventive measures against the spread of coronavirus. Photo: KK / Brno Daily.
Czech Rep., Jun 14 (BD) – The requirement to wear facemasks will remain in place in the following cases (with exceptions including children under two years and people with mental disabilities):
a) in all interiors of buildings, except for places of residence
b) on all forms of public transport
c) when participating in mass outdoor events at a distance of under 1.5 meters from others, unless they are members of your household.
The obligation to wear a mask or other covering of the nose and mouth outdoors was introduced by the Czech government on March 19.
Events of Up to 2,500 Attendees Now Possible, If Participants Stay Separated Into Groups of 500
Audiences of up to 2,500 will be able to attend mass events from June 15, provided the event venue can be divided into sections with their own entrance and facilities, such as sports stadiums. Organizers can arrange up to five separate sections, each of which can take up to 500 people. Safe distances of 1.5m must be maintained.
For other indoor mass events, mandatory distances of two meters and the obligation to wear a facemask still apply, with the exception of cinemas, theaters and concert halls. Theaters and cinemas can use the full capacity of the auditorium and it is not necessary to keep the two-meter distance between audience members.
Refreshments and Snacks
Refreshments cannot be consumed in cinema auditoriums.
Restaurants will be able to sell food in the form of buffets. Vendors at farmers’ markets can also now sell food ready-to-eat, but shoppers should keep a distance of 2 meters.
From Monday, wellness operators can open steam saunas and swimming pools can launch attractions with flowing water.
New “Traffic Light System”
On Friday, the Czech Ministry of Health also published a new “traffic light map”, detailing countries that Czech residents can safely travel to and from without needing to undergo a Covid test or 14 days of quarantine. (See our previous article: “Czech Cabinet Approves Test-Free Travel From Selected European Countries From June 15th” for more details).