On Tuesday evening, activists from the Za-bydlení initiative projected censored pornography onto a municipal building on Husova in Brno, which had allegedly been filmed in one of the city’s flats. Photo credit: “Za-bydlení” via Facebook.
Brno, May 21 (BD) – The activists of Za-bydlení oppose the privatization of city apartments, and call for rent controls and lower apartment prices in social housing and city-owned buildings, as well as the restoration of the ‘Housing First’ social housing program.

By projecting pornography filmed in one of the city’s flats, activists were “highlighting the recent scandal in Brno, when entrepreneurs from the porn industry were given use of the city’s flats instead of people in need,” explained representatives from the initiative.
According to Za-bydlení, the aim of the protest was to draw attention to the repeated failures of city officials in the area of housing policy: “Above all, the ongoing privatizations exacerbating the housing crisis, and the non-transparent management of municipal property. Currently, Brno ODS councillors are trying to push through the privatization of the Tivoli Art Nouveau house and the unique White House building.”

Brno’s Rapid Re-Housing scheme, the first project to test the innovative ‘Housing First’ concept in the Czech Republic, won the prestigious SozialMarie Award in Vienna in May 2018. 50 Brno families in need were given the opportunity to become tenants in municipally-owned apartments in 2016.