The Czech government has just declared a state of emergency. It includes a ban on any events over 30 participants and other limitations. Foreign tourists (people without residency in CR) from “risk zones” will not be able to cross Czech borders and Czech citizens will not be able to travel to those areas. Pubs and restaurants will close after 8pm. Most of the measures will be valid from tomorrow for 30 days.
Brno, Mar 12 (BD) [Updated information here] – The government declared a state of emergency in the country, valid from 2pm for 30 days. As of Friday 6am, all events exceeding 30 persons are banned. The measure applies to cultural, sporting, religious events, festivals, pilgrimages, shows, markets and other events. The prohibition does not apply to meetings of constitutional bodies, public authorities or courts, or funerals.
It is also forbidden to be in restaurants between 8pm and 6am. The government has also extended the ban on teaching at primary art schools.
The ban on gatherings does not apply to companies, said Interior Minister Jan Hamacek.

The Ministry of Interior will introduce controls at 11 border crossings with Germany and Austria from midnight on Friday. According to Hamacek, closing the border completely would be too complicated at the moment.
The army will be called in to assist the police in border control.
The government has banned foreigners from high-risk countries from entering the Czech Republic due to the coronavirus infection. Citizens of the following countries are banned from entering Czechia: China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Spain, Norway, Holland, Belgium, UK, Denmark, France, and Spain. At the same time, Czech citizens are forbidden to travel to these countries.
Foreigners (people without Czech permanent or temporary residency) will not be able to enter the Czech Republic from Germany and Austria, said Hamacek. Due to coronavirus, the government has stopped issuing visas and residence permits.
Exceptions for entry to the country will be allowed for several professions, such as truck drivers, to ensure that the supply chain will not be interrupted.
Czech Railways will cancel international transport from Friday midnight. Until Friday it is possible to use buses or trains, but from Saturday midnight only cars will be allowed to enter the country. “All Czech citizens abroad will be allowed to return,” said Hamáček.
The websites of key governmental departments are overwhelmed and crashing today.
‼️ V souladu s čl. 5 a 6 ústavního zákona č. 110/1998 Sb., o bezpečnosti České republiky, vláda vyhlašuje pro území ČR z důvodu ohrožení zdraví v souvislosti s prokázáním výskytu koronaviru SARS CoV-2 nouzový stav od 14.00 hodin dne 12. března 2020 na dobu 30 dnů.
— Úřad vlády ČR (@strakovka) March 12, 2020