On Sunday night, Air Force One, President Trump’s private military jet, was crossing through Czech airspace on the way to India when weather patterns required a short but pronounced detour around Brno. Czech social media users saw the funny side… Photo credit: Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks
Brno, Feb 25 (BD) – The pilot of the plane asked air traffic control for permission to alter the flight path for timing reasons, as confirmed for Seznam Television by Richard Klima of the Aviation Authority. It seems that a strong wind behind the plane was moving the flight ahead of schedule. But whatever the reasons, the resulting map showed a clear snub to the Moravian Metropolis by the controversial perma-tanned Tweeter-in-Chief. Czech social media users were, as ever, quick to react…
Some users, including the City of Brno itself, wondered whether the President was afraid of Brno…
…or worried about a frosty reception from the local people…

Reflex magazine doubled down on this theme, suggesting that Brno had been anticipating Trump’s visit for some time…
Even the Czech Ministry of Transport was in on the joke, tweeting that “there are many possible reasons for the sudden detour of Trump’s Air Force One. The official one is strong wind!”
Možných vysvětlení pro náhlý manévr Trumpova Air Force One 🇺🇸 nad Brnem je celá řada, tím oficiálním je silný vítr 💨😃 https://t.co/WdLAU4fJAy
— Ministerstvo dopravy (@min_dopravy) February 24, 2020
Maybe one day we will learn the truth behind Trump’s suspicious antics. But for now, Brno could do worse than follow the advice of one user, who commented that the elegant shape made by the revised flight path could be worn as a badge of pride by the city in the form of a new logo.