The concert featured 12 bands, and the presentation of two new releases from the label! Title photo: ZVA 12-28 Band. Photo credit: Indies..
Brno, Feb 18 (BD) – Nostalgia was in the air last Friday for a Valentine’s Day party to celebrate 30 years of the alternative music record label Indies, which started life as a CD shop and rental store at Milady Horakove 25 on February 14th, 1990. A year later, Indies Records was established, with the motto: “We release music we like and like listening to.” From origins in alternative rock, the label later branched out into folk, world music, blues, jazz and rap. After 30 years of expansion, the company now includes seven affiliates, including three publishing houses, a recording studio, and a production company, alongside the original music store, and has released over 800 titles, primarily of Czech and Slovak music.

These 30 years of history were on show last Friday at the event hosted by music journalist Milan Tesař. Blues-rock ensemble The ZVA 12-28 Band is also celebrating 30 years of music in 2020, and there were blasts from the label’s past in the form of DVA, playing together for the first time in three and a half years, and the rap group Nuck Chorris Gang, with their first live performance in seven years. The evening was brought to a symbolic close by hardcore band Meat-House Chicago I.R.A., who recorded the first album released by the label all those years ago.

There were also some surprises in the evening’s entertainment; rock band Zuby Nehty were presented with a double-vinyl “Best of…” album, with each side featuring a different one of the band’s albums. “That was a big surprise! We are very happy,” they remarked. Another of the label’s roster, HCM Kubíci, presented their new album, a collaboration with male-voice choir Chotar.
The evening also commemorated figures from the Czech music scene including Filip Topol, Zuzana Navarová and Jitka Šuranská.If you missed out on the celebrations, you can relive the atmosphere of last Friday with this Spotify playlist.