In Brief: Police Looking for Two Pickpockets Caught on CCTV in Brno–Žabovřesky

At the end of November, two pickpockets went to work in a restaurant in Brno–Žabovřesky. The two men picked a 60-year-old man as their victim and robbed him of his wallet with CZK 10,000. Photo: Police ČR.

Brno, Jan 7 (BD) – Brno-Žabovřesky Police Department are currently searching for the men in the video on suspicion of theft, counterfeiting and other related offences. If you recognize the thieves in the video, call the emergency number 158, or alternatively contact Brno police directly on 974 624 210.

The younger man is aged around 40-45, 185 cm tall; his older companion was described by police as 45-50 years old and about 180cm tall.

Video: The video was published by Police ČR on Monday January 6, 2020.

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