Královo Pole Police Department managed to track down a 66-year-old woman who caused nearly CZK 60,000 of damage between August and November this year by keying several cars. Photo: Police CR.
Brno, Dec 9 (BD) – Police spokesman David Chaloupka explained the offender’s motives: “The reason she was vandalising the cars is surprising. Although the woman does not own a car herself, she was so upset about the large number of parked vehicles that she could not control herself and scratched their paintwork with keys.”

The woman was caught on CCTV scratching cars at a car park in front of a shopping centre on Hradecká. Police officers had obtained and published CCTV recordings of the female suspect in the early stages of the investigation. However, publishing the video did not bring any results, so the police continued their search for the perpetrator. After a thorough investigation of the damaged vehicles, they eventually found evidence that led them to the suspect. “When they met the woman personally, they immediately made a positive match with the recordings, so that after questioning, the woman eventually confessed to scratching the vehicles,” said Chaloupka.
Video: Police CR.
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